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Ateistički dokumentarci

PostPoslato: 10. Jul 2013., 15:28
od Petrovic
Zabluda o bogu

Biolog i profesor Ričard Dokins istražuje nedokazana verovanja koja se tretiraju kao činjenice od strane mnogih religija i krajnosti do kojih su ih pojedini sledbenici odveli.

Dokins tvrdi da proces nerazmišljanja pod nazivom vera nije način za razumevanje sveta, već da stoji u suprotnosti sa osnovama savremene nauke i naučnog metoda, i da je opasan i razdoran.

Re: Ateistički dokumentarci

PostPoslato: 10. Jul 2013., 15:35
od Petrovic
Virus vere

Biolog i profesor Ričard Dokins smatra da je moralni okvir religija iskrivljen i zalaže se protiv verske indoktrinacije dece. Naslov ovog dokumentarca vodi poreklo iz knjige “Sebični gen”, u kojoj Dokins govori o konceptu mema.

Re: Ateistički dokumentarci

PostPoslato: 12. Jul 2013., 17:41
od Petrovic
Atheism: A Brief History of Disbelief

Episode 1: Shadows of Doubt

In this first ever television history of disbelief, Jonathan Miller goes on a journey exploring the origins of his own lack of belief and uncovering the hidden story of atheism.

Jonathan Miller visits the absent Twin Towers to consider the religious implications of 9/11 and meets Arthur Miller and the philosopher Colin McGinn. He searches for evidence of the first ‘unbelievers’ in Ancient Greece and examines some of the modern theories around why people have always tended to believe in mythology and magic.

Episode 2: Noughts and Crosses

With the domination of Christianity from 500 AD, Jonathan Miller wonders how disbelief began to re-emerge in the 15th and 16th centuries. He discovers that division within the Church played a more powerful role than the scientific discoveries of the period. He also visits Paris, the home of the 18th century atheist, Baron D’Holbach, and shows how politically dangerous it was to undermine the religious faith of the masses.

Episode 3: The Final Hour

The history of disbelief continues with the ideas of self-taught philosopher Thomas Paine, the revolutionary studies of geology and the evolutionary theories of Darwin. Jonathan Miller looks at the Freudian view that religion is a ‘thought disorder’. He also examines his motivation behind making the series touching on the issues of death and the religious fanaticism of the 21st century.

Re: Ateistički dokumentarci

PostPoslato: 31. Maj 2014., 19:55
od Milentijevic

Izuzetan intervju, nažalost bez naših titlova.